Bitcoin Solo Mining Setup Guide Android

1: Download termux from f-droid:

--- In app commands :

2: termux-setup-storage

3: apt-get update

4: apt-get upgrade -y

5: apt-get install wget -y

6: apt-get install openssl-tool -y

7: apt-get install proot -y

8: wget && bash

9: ./ ; su

10: apt-get update

11: apt-get upgrade -y

12: apt install git -y

13: apt install proot -y

14: apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev zlib1g-dev make g++

(Y si enter, sau enter cu Y selectat daca cere confirmare)

15: git clone

16: cd cpuminer-multi

17: ./

18: Start cpuminer :

./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u <bitcoinaddress>.<workername> -p x -a sha256d -R 10

Or with tread limitation ( -t 2 ) how many threads

./cpuminer-o stratum+tcp:// -u <bitcoinaddress>.<workername> -p x -a sha256d -R 10 -t <threadsnumber>

App can run in background, if you want to quit press CTRL + c